Putting mods on vehicles is an addiction a lot of drivers have taken on. While they can admittedly be fun, a lot of these mods are illegal and very frowned upon by authorities. Things like removing the catalytic converters and having colored headlights are not the safest thing to do.
Some mods are practical and useful for muscle cars, others are simply dangerous and outright illegal. We took a look at some of the most insane mods that are also illegal in the United States here.

20: Electric Cutouts
No one likes having to smog their ride, but in some states that is the law. Electric cutouts are used to circumvent this process. The cutouts are controlled by a remote on the dashboard and you can limit the sound coming out of the exhaust. Cutouts are not the most practical option when it comes to increasing performance.

Electric cutouts are not the most mainstream modification, but they are often done to high-performance cars and trucks. The addition of electric cutouts can be expensive and it’s illegal in most smog states. Some smog shops will let you slide on a visual inspection but that isn’t always the case.