{"id":407,"date":"2017-03-06T10:30:51","date_gmt":"2017-03-06T15:30:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/motor-junkie.com\/?p=407"},"modified":"2023-05-09T08:57:02","modified_gmt":"2023-05-09T12:57:02","slug":"10-craziest-car-stories-ever-told","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.motor-junkie.com\/10-craziest-car-stories-ever-told\/407\/","title":{"rendered":"The 10 Craziest Car Stories Ever Told"},"content":{"rendered":"

Think you’ve got a better car story?<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

Unless you’re born with a silver spoon in your mouth, most readers will relate to this article. We were all young once upon a time, and as such probably owned a shed on wheels. Whether it was your first car, or a later project, we’ve all kept some sort of crazy rides.<\/p>\n

Today we’ll be looking at the craziest car stories ever told. Obviously, these tales are told for two reasons; one, because they are funny as f*ck, and two, to help current or future drivers to avoid the same pitfalls.<\/p>\n

Mainly because they are quite funny and\/or scary, though. Enjoy!<\/p>\n


Ranger Wreck<\/strong><\/h2>\n

This one comes from Reddit user ‘Iam_MittRomney<\/a>‘ and is quite a scary tale.<\/p>\n


We took off, the rear end started to slip; I tried to recover but over corrected as the truck began to spin more, the rear wheel finally caught grip at the edge of the road.<\/p>\n

This edge was no normal edge and lead to a 20 foot steep slope and the truck began to topple. Unable to do anything I held my little sister in place as the radio screamed “she want meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!” The rolls were in slow motion as I see the fear on her face still to this day.<\/p>\n

Once the truck finally stopped rolling. It was upside down in the snow and gas was leaking all over. My wrist was broke and hanging by its skin. Using my other arm I took a screwdriver and shattered the window. I went to the other side and cut my sisters seat belt off and pulled her out (her glass shattered during the roll). We were safe. Her with only minor cuts and I just with a broke. Arm and gash on my forehead.<\/p>\n

As we started walking up the embankment back to the icy road, the truck caught fire, it burned for a minute before igniting the tank and exploding (not like a movie, fairly small just shooting shrapnel everywhere). A piece of ceramic from the starter launched and lodged itself in my stomach. We were only a quarter mile from our house and We walked in and sat down.<\/p>\n

My dad took 45 minutes to get there from when we called him (or so I’m told). I woke up in the hospital the next day.<\/p>\n

I almost died.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n


Gravel Grave<\/strong><\/h2>\n

From the archives of Recombu.com<\/strong><\/a> comes a seriously bizarre and dangerous tale. Here it is, followed by the video evidence: Reports say the unnamed truck driver had attracted police attention because an officer suspected the dangerously overloaded truck was about to be driven.<\/p>\n

Rather than accept his fate, however, the lorry driver thought it would be a good idea to smack the locks keeping the latch closed on his truck, allowing the gravel to pour out everywhere and bury the officer up to his waist.<\/p>\n

The driver managed to flee the scene because the second officer, who filmed the event on his smartphone, rushed to rescue his buried co-worker, but was later arrested. The footage was later posted on YouTube.<\/p>\n


The Bad Luck Truck<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The stars aligned in the worst way possible for reader High Road<\/a> from Jalopnik<\/a><\/strong>. His truck “caught fire and started a 1500-acre wildfire.” The truck backfired going into low gear and ignited because of a leak in the gas tank.<\/p>\n



Jetta Rage<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Reddit user D_Bat<\/a> tells a story of a guy with serious road rage:<\/p>\n


I am idling in 2nd gear slowly rolling down the left hand lane with a little bit of space in front of me so I can just idle the whole time and not stop, go, stop, go, because manuals suck to drive in traffic.<\/p>\n

Mr guy behind me didn’t like that I had left some space in front of me. He pulled into the median, of the construction zone, and tried to pass me and clipped my car in the process. We pulled off after going across both lanes and pulled onto my off ramp that I had to take. Before I can even turn off my car and get my seat belt undone the guy marches up to my car and puts his fulls arms, head, and part of his shoulders into my drivers side window.<\/p>\n

His face is right in mine while he’s yelling that he could beat me up and there’s nothing that I could do to stop him and that I should have moved for him. Jetta was still on, gear was in first, clutch was pushed in. I got out of there and slammed the diesel pedal. He latched onto my face with one hand and I had five finger nail marks on my face.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n


My head was pulled to the door because he had a hold of it but I was still able to see out of my right eye.<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n


I hit redline in first which is about 25 or so in the TDI and drove him into two big orange construction barrels. Told ya it was a construction zone. I then hit the brakes because there was a stopped dump truck in front of my and he flew off me\/the car. The car stalled and I frantically tried to start it and thankfully it started right up.<\/p>\n

Reversed since if I went forwards I would have ran him over. When in reverse I saw all the people in the stop and go traffic watching and one was making a call. After I went down the ramp I called the cops. They asked if I was the guy who got away or the guy walking back to his car. He spent the night in jail. 🙂<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n


Hobo Wreck<\/strong><\/h2>\n

From Jalopnik, this scary story did have a silver lining, but it was very, very small:<\/p>\n


“Back on Labor day weekend I had a homeless man very literally run out into traffic in front of me. I was going through a stop light intersection in a marked 35 zone. He ran out from in front of a car that was turning left from the same direction of traffic as me.<\/p>\n

I hit him with my drivers quarter panel at a full skid at about a 45 degree angle.<\/p>\n

Have you ever had a person come through your windshield, so hard their head comes within inches of your face? Terrifying. Getting out and seeing a man with 2 compound fractured legs and bleeding from multiple orifices on his head? Scariest experience of my life, involving a car or not. Only silver lining of it all, I was 100% cleared by security footage on a near by business. Didn’t even get a ticket.”<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n


Ferarri Crash<\/strong><\/h2>\n

This story comes in the form of a simple video. The lesson learned is equally as basic-don’t drive a Ferrari if you don’t know how. Watch this tool wreck one million quids worth of car:<\/p>\n